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Hamstring Strains

What is a Hamstring Strain?

Hamstring strains are one of the most common injuries in the lower body, especially in athletes who participate in sports that require explosive movements like sprinting, jumping, and kicking. A hamstring strain is an injury that occurs when one or more of the three muscles that make up the hamstring group (bicep femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus) is stretched or torn.

Hamstring strains are typically caused by a sudden, forceful movement that cause the muscles to stretch beyond their normal range of motion. Common causes of hamstring strains include:

  • Improper warm-up: Failing to warm-up properly before exercise can increase the risk of a hamstring strain

  • Overuse: Repeatedly performing exercises that involve the hamstring muscles without sufficient rest can lead to a strain.

  • Weakness: Weak hamstring muscles are more susceptible to strains

  • Tightness: Tight hamstring muscles can be more prone to strains

  • Poor biomechanics: Poor running or jumping technique can cause the hamstrings to overstretch and lead to a strain.

The symptoms of a hamstring strain can vary depending on the severity of the injury. Common symptoms include:

  • Pain that is typically felt in the back of the thigh or buttock area.

  • Swelling that can occur in the area of the injury.

  • Bruising which may appear in the area of the injury.

  • Weakness in the leg may be present, making it difficult to walk or run.

  • Stiffness in the hamstring muscles may be present.

What are the different types of hamstring strain?

Hamstring strains are classified into three different types based on the severity of the injury. These types are:

  • Grade 1 Strain: This is a mild strain where only a few muscle fibers are stretched or torn. The person may experience some discomfort and mild pain but can usually continue with their activities.

    • A grade 1 strain involves less than 10% of muscle fibers

    • Typically takes 1-2 weeks to heal

  • Grade 2 Strain: This is a moderate strain where a significant number of muscle fibers are stretched or torn. The person may experience significant pain, swelling, and weakness in the affected leg, making it difficult to continue with their activity.

    • A grade 2 strain involves 10-50% of muscle fibers

    • May take 4-8 weeks to heal

  • Grade 3 Strain: This is a severe strain where the muscle is completely ruptured, leading to significant pain, swelling, and weakness. The person is usually unable to continue with their activities and may require surgical intervention.

    • A grade 3 strain involves more than 50% of muscle fibers.

    • May take several months to heal, and surgery may be necessary to repair the muscle

How is this treated?

Treatment for a hamstring strain depends on the severity of the injury, location of the pain and when the injury occurred. Some common treatment options include:

  • Rest, ice, compress, elevate (R.I.C.E.): Rest is essential to allow the injured muscles time to heal. Applying ice to the injured area can help reduce pain and swelling. Compression can help reduce swelling and support the injured muscles. Elevating the injured leg can help reduce swelling.

  • Physical therapy: Physical therapy can help speed up the healing process and prevent future injuries.

  • Bracing: A brace may be used to support the injured muscles and prevent further damage.

  • Surgery: In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the injured muscles.

How do I prevent this from happening?

Preventing hamstring strains involves maintaining strong, flexible muscles and using proper technique during exercise. Here are some tips for preventing hamstring strains:

  • Warm-up properly: Always warm-up before exercise to prepare your muscles for physical activity

  • Stretch regularly: Regular stretching can help improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury

  • Strengthen your muscles: Strength training exercises can help improve muscle strength and reduce the risk of injury

  • Use proper technique: Using proper technique during exercise can help reduce the risk of injury.

  • Rest: Make sure to give your muscles enough rest between exercise sessions to prevent overuse injuries.

How can Hybrid Physical Therapy help with Your Recovery?

As mentioned above, hamstring strains are a very common injury that occurs during activity and may be a while to recover from. Preventing the injury from occurring is the best option but if a hamstring strain still occurs, we’re here to help. At Hybrid Physical Therapy, we understand the etiology of hamstring strains and the best approach to treating them. Muscle strength and flexibility are important but understanding proper technique and how to translate that back into sport or activity is what we specialize in. Our clinic has all the best tools to fix your injury in the best way possible.

Let Hybrid Physical Therapy be the ones to guide you to the road to success and optimize your performance.

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